Monthly Archives: October 2007


So apparently they blocked facebook at my workplace because people were browsing it too much. Normally I’d condemn this as really dumb since I’m heavily opposed to all kinds of censorship, but in this case I wholly support the decision. I only have a very vague impression of what it is, but something so immensely […]

That Key show again – 02

So. Clannad 02. JUST AS PLANNED EXPECTED. No wait, the wishes come true thing was just acting. Or was it? Knowing Key they’ll make a silly plot device out of it, I CAN FEEL IT. The collection of Really Generic Harem Girls Key Style is now complete. (Or is it!?) We have: The moĆ© main […]

:psyduck:-inducing encoding failures in the DVD industry

I happen to have seen quite a few DVD’s in my time. Quite a few are pretty good, but then there are the more “interesting” ones that leaves you wondering what the flying fuck the DVD mastering studio crews are smoking (one popular theory from famed ZX encoder Rayek is that they are in fact […]

Clannad – 01

Copied from my post on ADTRW: First episode impressions: It stinks. It stinks of harem. It stinks of harem and it stinks of Key and horrible plot devices, and I don’t like it. Everything from the main character and his comedic relief sidekick to the superpowered Tomoyo and even the powerpointish scene transitions stinks of […]